Adaptive Shorei-Goju Ryu

Pinan Shodan w/Prosthetics & Crutches
Pinan Shodan - "Peaceful Mind form One" is the first of five Pinan katas (forms). Adapted here to accommodate Prosthetic legs with crutches. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a pair of phase 2 Power Knees to perform the kata.

Pinan Shodan w/Wheelchair
Pinan Shodan - "Peaceful Mind form One" adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a folding frame light weight wheelchair to perform the kata.

Pinan Nidan w/Prosthetics & Crutches
Pinan Nidan - "Peaceful Mind form Two" is the second of five Pinan katas (forms). Adapted here to accommodate Prosthetic legs with crutches. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a pair of phase 2 Power Knees to perform the kata. (Note how the sockets and weight of the prosthetics restrict kicks, stances, and movement).

Pinan Nidan w/Wheelchair
Pinan Nidan - "Peaceful Mind form Two" is the second of five Pinan katas (forms). Adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a light weight folding frame wheelchair to perform the kata. (Some kicks have been replaced with strikes where appropriate and some transitions altered).

Pinan Sandan w/Prosthetics & Crutches
Pinan Sandan - "Peaceful Mind form Three" is the third of five Pinan katas (forms). Adapted here to accommodate Prosthetic legs with crutches. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a pair of phase 2 Power Knees to perform the kata. (Note how the sockets and weight of the prosthetics restrict kicks, stances, and movement).

Pinan Sandan w/Wheelchair
Pinan Sandan - "Peaceful Mind form Three" is the third of five Pinan katas (forms). Adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a light weight folding frame wheelchair to perform the kata. (Some kicks have been replaced with strikes where appropriate and some transitions altered).

Pinan Yodan w/Prosthetics & Crutches
Pinan Yodan - "Peaceful Mind form Four" is the fourth of five Pinan katas (forms). Adapted here to accommodate Prosthetic legs with crutches. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a pair of phase 2 Power Knees to perform the kata. (Note how the sockets and weight of the prosthetics restrict kicks, stances, and movement).

Pinan Yodan w/ Wheelchair
Pinan Yodan - "Peaceful Mind form Four" is the fourth of five Pinan katas (forms). Adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a light weight folding frame wheelchair to perform the kata. (Some kicks have been replaced with strikes where appropriate and some transitions altered).

Pinan Godan w/Prosthetics & Crutches
Pinan Godan - "Peaceful Mind form Five" is the last of five Pinan katas (forms). Adapted here to accommodate Prosthetic legs with crutches. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a pair of phase 2 Power Knees to perform the kata. (Note how the sockets and weight of the prosthetics restrict kicks, stances, and movement).

Pinan Godan w/Wheelchair
Pinan Godan - "Peaceful Mind form Five" is the last of five Pinan katas (forms). Adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a light weight folding frame wheelchair to perform the kata. (Some kicks have been replaced with strikes where appropriate and some transitions altered).

Bassai Dai w/Prosthetics & Crutches
Bassai Dai - "Breaking Through the Fortress" or "Breaking the Great Fortress" is a 55 movement kata (form) in the Shorei-Goju Ryu system. Originally composed for the body guards of King Oyado Mari of the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa). Adapted here to accommodate Prosthetic legs with crutches. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a pair of phase 2 Power Knees to perform the kata. (Note how the sockets and weight of the prosthetics restrict kicks, stances, and movement).

Bassai Dai w/Wheelchair
Bassai Dai - "Breaking Through the Fortress" or "Breaking the Great Fortress", the 55 movement kata is adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a light weight folding frame wheelchair to perform the kata. Jeremy first learned this kata in December of 1983 while training for his 3rd Kyu or 1st Brown Belt. (Some kicks have been replaced with strikes where appropriate and some transitions altered).

Nekobuto Junidan w/Prosthetics & Crutches
Nekobuto Junidan - "Cat Dance form 12" - is a kata (form) that was originally developed as a kicking exercise. Adapted here to accommodate Prosthetic legs with crutches. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a pair of phase 2 Power Knees to perform the kata. (Note how the sockets and weight of the prosthetics restrict kicks, stances, and movement).

Nekobuto Junidan with Manual Wheelchair
Nekobuto Junidan - "Cat Dance form 12" - is a kata (form) that was originally developed as a kicking exercise. Adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a light weight folding frame wheelchair to perform the kata. (All kicks have been replaced with strikes where appropriate and some transitions have been altered).

GoPei Sho w/Wheelchair
GoPei Sho - "Advanced Tearing Peacock Form" represents a peacock preparing to defend itself. As it slowly opens its wings, it goes into a series of wing-striking and clawing attacks that are intended to blind the attacker. Adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a light weight folding frame wheelchair to perform the kata. (All kicks have been replaced with strikes where appropriate and some transitions have been altered).

San Chin w/Wheelchair
San Chin - "Three Battles" (birth, life, & death) is a healing meditation kata that focuses the body, mind, and spirit on removing all of the toxicity in the body through focus, breath, and muscle control. Using hip rotation, breath, and tensing of all muscles to squeeze all negative aspects affecting the body, mind, and spirit out through the pores and lungs. Adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a light weight folding frame wheelchair to perform the kata.

Dan Enn Sho w/Wheelchair
Dann Enn Sho - "Cutting & Clawing through the Fire" is a kata that represents five of twelve animal forms. Adapted here to accommodate a manual wheelchair, Crane is not able to be demonstrated, but watch closely for Chicken, Snake, Eagle, and Tiger. Jeremy Warriner, Walking Spirit's founder, utilizes a light weight folding frame wheelchair to perform the kata. (All kicks have been replaced with strikes where appropriate and some transitions have been altered). This kata holds a special meaning for Jeremy, as he lost both legs above the knee due to severe burns sustained when trapped in a burning Jeep Wrangler.